Art – n.m [ar] (from the Latin ars, artis): specific creations intended to produce in humans a particular state of sensitivity – Larousse definition
Our artistic sensitivity is what characterizes our humanity: our ability to marvel, to imagine, to feel beauty.
In the Anthropocene Era, it becomes urgent to draw inspiration from the living to better perceive our relationship to the world.
Fascinated by the Nature, Amélie Vogel observes its complexity, its fragility and tries to translate the flow of this perpetual movement which, imperturbable, crosses us and escapes us.
Inspired by the observation of what surrounds us, she tries to infuse each canvas with its own principle of life.
Her unique works are produced in mixed media techniques (inks, acrylics, oils, etc.), from small to large format.
She is currently exhibiting in Salons in France, Germany and Denmark.
Biography :
Born in Saint-Malo, France in 1984.
2002 : DEUG 1 History of Arts
2003 – 2005 : Double cursus Music / Visual Arts at Rennes faculty
2008 : Master of Musicology, Jazz and Improvisation
2009 : evening courses Beaux-Arts of Rennes
2012-2014 : evening courses Beaux-Arts of Nantes
2017 : Finearts coaching diploma
Since 2017 : professional art painter, fineart coach. International exhibitions (Germany, Denmark…)